After nearly 20 years of working with the Crystal and Mineral Kingdoms, we have learned much about the properties of these magnificent gifts from Mother Earth. Coming to Arkansas to dig them for the first time in 1992, changed our lives forever. Having a strong calling to "spread the word" we bought some property and moved to Mount Ida "The Crystal Capital of the World" in 1999, where we could live with, and study these amazing crystals every day, and we have come to discover that their many different formations and properties are so varied that they are much like our personalities, and they tend to draw like-minded energies to them. Wanting to share this with the whole world, we purchased a mine, so that we could continue to bring you these amazing crystals. It is our mission to create a place to share knowledge with those who are awakening to crystals, in order to bring them a greater understanding of the roles that these crystals play in our lives, as we move closer to the "New Mother Earth."
Crystal is a beautiful "messenger" of God's pure love and light. Carried within the many different formations in the Crystal Kingdom are characteristics not unlike our own. When we see how determined they are to co-exist in harmony and find healing and perfection, it reminds us that when we strive to be pure in body, mind and spirit, we too can find that perfection and completion in our lives. Crystal is said to bring the energy of the stars to the soul, and to enhance and amplify both energy and thoughts. It is a wonderful tool for communication as well as for receiving information from other-worldly masters, healers and teachers. It can increase the energy flow of love, light, peace and harmony for the greater good of all mankind, and in accordance with the teachings of the Medicine Wheel, Crystal is also the grounding stone for those born under the sign of Capricorn. It is the "sun" of the Stone People and an honored member of the Medicine Wheel.
After nearly 20 years of working with the Crystal and Mineral Kingdoms, we have learned much about the properties of these magnificent gifts from Mother Earth. Coming to Arkansas to dig them for the first time in 1992, changed our lives forever. Having a strong calling to "spread the word" we bought some property and moved to Mount Ida "The Crystal Capital of the World" in 1999, where we could live with, and study these amazing crystals every day, and we have come to discover that their many different formations and properties are so varied that they are much like our personalities, and they tend to draw like-minded energies to them. Wanting to share this with the whole world, we purchased a mine, so that we could continue to bring you these amazing crystals. It is our mission to create a place to share knowledge with those who are awakening to crystals, in order to bring them a greater understanding of the roles that these crystals play in our lives, as we move closer to the "New Mother Earth."
Crystal is a beautiful "messenger" of God's pure love and light. Carried within the many different formations in the Crystal Kingdom are characteristics not unlike our own. When we see how determined they are to co-exist in harmony and find healing and perfection, it reminds us that when we strive to be pure in body, mind and spirit, we too can find that perfection and completion in our lives. Crystal is said to bring the energy of the stars to the soul, and to enhance and amplify both energy and thoughts. It is a wonderful tool for communication as well as for receiving information from other-worldly masters, healers and teachers. It can increase the energy flow of love, light, peace and harmony for the greater good of all mankind, and in accordance with the teachings of the Medicine Wheel, Crystal is also the grounding stone for those born under the sign of Capricorn. It is the "sun" of the Stone People and an honored member of the Medicine Wheel.
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ABUNDANCE CRYSTAL A crystal with smaller crystals attached to the base or side. A bringer of Abundance, Prosperity, Good Health. Excellent for fighting depression and recharging energy levels. | |
ACTIVATION CRYSTAL, RIGHT A crystal which has an extra face on the right side of largest face. Helps to activate the logical, verbal and intellectual left side of the brain. Encourages learning and study, and is great for working with ego. | |
ACTIVATION CRYSTAL, LEFT A crystal with an extra face on the left side of the largest face. Helps stimulate the female energies of healing and creativity. Represents the energy which is coming into the soul. Encourages patience, compassion, tolerance and forgiveness. | |
BARNACLE OR FAIRY DUST CRYSTAL A larger crystal covered with lots of smaller crystals. Represents the "old soul" gathering all the younger souls. Excellent companion during times of loss of a loved one. Helps to stimulate a "willingness" to work within a group. | |
BRIDGE CRYSTAL A smaller crystal creating a bridge between two larger crystals. Helps to bridge any "gaps" in communication between self and others. Helps promote growth in spirituality and metaphysical knowledge. Assist in the understanding of lessons between students and teachers. | |
CHANNELING CRYSTAL A crystal with a 7-sided main face and a triangle directly opposite. Represents a "Seeker of Spiritual Ideals, the Student of the Mystic. Helps one to access knowledge from "within and without" and can aid in communication with "spirit guides". | |
CRATER OR KEY CRYSTAL A crystal with a 3 or 6-sided recessed shape somewhere on the crystal. Can be used to "unlock the doors" to healing or psychic awareness. Helps you to access missing information. | |
CRYSTAL CLUSTER A group of crystals "clustered together". Enhances peace and harmony within a group, family, social or business environment. Can activate or cleanse other minerals or crystals. Outstanding shield against negative energies. | |
DOLPHIN CRYSTAL A large crystal with a smaller one attached to the side. Protects the defenseless, sensitive, insecure or vulnerable. Helps us learn to receive abundance and to nurture ourselves as well as others. Assists in working with all traumas, including abuse. | |
DOUBLE-TERMINATED CRYSTAL Any crystal with faceted points on both ends. Channels energy through both directions at the same time. Excellent for astral projection, dreaming and meditation. Can provide for protection from physical and mental harm. | |
EMPATHIC CRYSTAL A crystal which has suffered severe damage. Aids tremendously when working with addictions. Reminds us to have compassion for others, without losing our own energy. Represents the ability to conquer all adversities, and demonstrates that "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder". | |
ENHYDRO CRYSTAL A crystal with a drop of water trapped inside. Unites imagination with practicality, bringing about sensibility in all endeavors. Excellent for personal metamorphosis and assists greatly in times of transition. | |
E.T. CRYSTAL A crystal with one point on one end and many individual points on the other, resembling an old-fashioned rocket. Facilitates communication with extra-terrestrial beings. Reminds us that we are all individuals within the One. Helps one to build and maintain self-confidence and courage. | |
FADEN CRYSTAL A crystal with a milky white line running inside the crystal. Can assist one in astral travel. Has been used as a stone for protection during air travel. Helps one to find their "complement" on the physical plane. Can help provide physical, emotional and mental stability. Aids in "mending" on all levels and can be used to promote flexibility. | |
GENERATOR CRYSTAL A crystal where all six faces form a perfect pyramid point. Wonderful tool for generation, projection and concentration of energy of other crystals or minerals. Helps to stimulate telepathic communication, especially in groups of healers and teachers. | |
INNER CHILD OR PENETRATOR CRYSTAL A crystal with another smaller crystal penetrating the main crystal. Excellent stone for working with the "inner child". Reminds us to love and accept ourselves. Tremendous for relieving sadness or stress. | |
ISIS CRYSTAL A crystal with a face containing 5 sides. Represents Wisdom, Right-Mindedness and Fidelity in Love. Celebrates the "Goddess Within" and honors the energies of healing and creation. Helps one to cope with grief or loss. | |
LASER CRYSTAL A small slender crystal with smaller faces and a wider base. Facilitates a refined communication with other worlds. Excellent tools for those who work with energy or vibrational healing. Focuses direct energy with accuracy and precision. | |
MANIFESTATION OR CREATOR CRYSTAL A larger crystal with a tiny crystal floating free within it. These crystals are quite rare and represent manifesting "the greatest good for the greatest number". Aid tremendously in stimulating psychic and spiritual awakening. Serves as a reminder of the master teacher within. | |
MASTER MATRIX CRYSTAL A crystal which has many, naturally etched geometric shapes. Contains within it all the information presently available to humanity. A master programmer of all record keeper crystals. Great for communication with guides, teachers or Higher Self. | |
NEEDLE CRYSTAL A long, clear extremely narrow crystal. A wonderful tool for alternative and vibrational healing. Can help to "stitch together" scattered patterns of energy. Extremely effective when used with acupressure points. | |
PHANTOM CRYSTAL A crystal with another gas or mineral which has layered itself in imitation of the original point. Represents the many experiences one encounters in a lifetime. Symbolizes universal awareness, and can facilitate access to past lives and spirit guidance. | |
RAINBOW CRYSTAL A crystal which naturally flashes the colors of the rainbow. Bringer of peace and joy into your life. They produce a full spectrum of color working to balance all the energy centers of the body. A constant reminder that there is love and light in every moment. | |
RECORD KEEPER CRYSTAL A crystal which has naturally etched little triangles on one or more faces. The keepers of ancient knowledge and information. Helps to expand your personal data base. Superb tools for meditation, they often can take you back to ancient times. | |
SCANNER CRYSTAL A crystal with one or more flat sides. Wonderful for all types of alternative and vibrational healing. Aids in the diagnosis by scanning the body, then stores the scanned information for later retrieval. | |
SCEPTER CRYSTAL A crystal which has formed a point around a "shaft" of crystal. Believed to have been worn and carried by priests/priestesses of Atlantis and Lemuria. Reminds you of who you are and why you are here. Stimulates courage to take action and follow through. Establishes firm connection between spirit and the "true self". | |
SHARD CRYSTAL Flat, broken pieces of self-healed crystals. Symbolizes the freedom to be who you are. Represents an incredible ability to find the healing within. Great stone for stress and depression. | |
SOUL MATE CRYSTAL Two crystals of equal length and size growing side by side. Symbolizes the union of two soul mates. Helps to balance and complement relationships on all levels. Can aid in accessing past life experiences or memories. | |
TABBY CRYSTAL A crystal with two flatter, tabular sides, usually notched with natural striations, and having a milky quartz (faden) line. Acts as an information file that can bridge the gap between mind and heart. May be used to activate or clear other minerals or crystals | |
TIME LINK CRYSTAL A crystal with an extra face under one of the triangular faces. Helps one to move through lessons and grow. Teaches patience and reminds you to give yourself time. Assist in managing one's time. Can aid tremendously in telepathic commutation. Can assist one in past and parallel life recall. | |
TWIN CRYSTAL Two or more crystals who are in parallel alignment with each other. Symbolizes union with the One, and enhances compatibility between individuals. Encourages encounters with soul mates, and helps attract like-minded people. | |
TWIN FLAME CRYSTAL Two crystals of similar size joined at the base only. Symbolizes two souls with a strong foundation together, but who celebrate each other's differences. Attracts like minded, spiritual companions. | |
WARRIOR CRYSTAL A crystal with a damaged point. Enhances personal truths, integrity, and helps one to live a "right-minded life. Helps one to know the "warrior within" and aids in fighting one's inner-most fears. A wonderful stone for protection and safe-guarding spirit. | |
WINDOW CRYSTAL A crystal which has a diamond-shaped, extra face . Acts as a "window to the soul". Clears your perception, and is great for accessing past lives. Reminds you to be "open-minded and to let in the light. | |
X CRYSTAL Two crystals which naturally form an "x". Balances the yin/yang energies. Helps you to build and maintain self-confidence and self-esteem. Enhances the male warrior attributes. | |
Y CRYSTAL Two crystals which naturally form a "y". Symbolizes the innocent roots of humanity. Aids in the development of intuitive and psychic abilities. Enhances the female warrior attributes | |